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Helping you stay safe and sound in London.





General Theft and Scams 

Purse Snatchers and Pickpockets 

  • Try wearing backpacks more often as they are harder to snatch away

  • Keep handbags and purses closer to your body – especially if you are walking by the road

  • Check your bags regularly to make sure they are zipped up properly and not wide open 

  • Pay extra attention to you bags and belongings especially when going to busy tourist areas

    • Regent Street, Oxford Street and Chinatown are especially busy araeas

  • Avoid putting valuables in your back pockets - this makes it easier for pickpockets to steal them

Scam Calls and Messages

  • Be wary of unsolicited messages and suspicious links from the government or parcel delivery companies

  • Never disclose personal information to any bodies that claim to be governmental authority

Mobile Phone Thefts

Getting your phone snatched is very common in London. Here are our top tips in helping you prevent them. 

Common practices to look out for

  • Snatching your phone (in your hand) as they drive past on bikes/mopeds

  • Reaching into your trousers/jackets pockets or cutting them open and stealing your phone

  • Taking your phone placed on tables while talking / disturbing you to distract you 

  • Knife crimes - robbing you at knifepoint

Tips for avoiding mobile phone thefts: 

  • Avoid texting while walking - this may make you easily distracted and less aware of your surroundings

  • Always put your phone away when it’s not in use 

  • Use a phone case with a hand strap for extra protection

  • Be extra vigilant when hearing motorcycle motors and run into a crowded area if they are heading towards you

Mobile Phone Insurance

It is also good to consider phone insurance packages with theft loss protection if the mobile phone is purchased in the UK

Examples include:

  • AppleCare+: Covers theft and loss

  • Samsung Care+: Covers accidental damage and theft 

Staying Safe at Night

Tips for going out at night

  • Most dangerous areas at night: Camden Town, South of River Thames

  • Avoid travelling alone at night and try to travel in larger groups

  • Consider downloading Safezone - UCL's recommended safety app

    • Allows students to send their own location to the staff of UCL accommodation for tracking, making sure someone knows your location 

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